This blog is about competition. Not just sports, or games, or politics, or economics, or decision-making, or relationships, but possibly about any or all of these things. It will use examples from current events to illustrate broader ideas. Or so I hope. It begins at the start of 2012.

Sunday, April 1, 2012

12-01-07 15 Years for Excessive Celebration

Wow.  This may be the worst celebration of the biggest play of a player’s career ever, and it didn’t happen in soccer.  Almost certainly the 99-yard fumble recovery touchdown by the West Virginia safety Darwin Cook was the biggest play of the guy’s career.  After he scored, he was so euphoric that he ran about 10 yards past the camera people, the mandatory ‘event staff’ people etc. to pile-drive the Orange Bowl mascot (yes, not the other team’s mascot, the bowl’s mascot) into the wall supporting the stands ( 

The mascot, a human-sized orange, apparently sufficiently annoyed Cook with its existence that he “was looking for him” by his own admission to reporters after the game.  This apparently occurred because Cook “did not think he believed in us either”, according to his own statement after the game.  His reaction to learning that the performer in the mascot suit was a girl was pricelessly honest shocked shame.  His gaping mouth is one of the first images you find when searching his name. 

It’s hard to resist pointing out that if future girlfriends see this act as the defining moment of his football career, he might end up eligible for (sunglasses) a Darwin Award.

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